Category Archives: photos

Stupid and technically bad photography.



My girlfriend’s taking a Ceramics class and she brought home some clay. Here’s the start of my first little project.



An example of brickwork (I guess) found not too far from these.

Found Polaroids

I was nosing around the wreckage of a construction site where a brick seller once stood, demolished to make room for a new little mini-mall, and I found these Polaroids:


bricks 2

el club hispano

el club hispano 2

Paper Alien

paper alien

Another papercraft project. Some weird alien guy. Made using the same template as this previous one of me.

My New Favorite Shirts

Some recent thrift store acquisitions:

summer camp

This one was a little too surreal to pass up. A cowboy riding a seahorse. The vaguely homo-erotic nature of the shirt, the seahorse in particular. The back of the shirt mentions David Flower Productions. After a quick googling, I find out: yep, it’s gay. Although I am not, I still dig the shirt and will continue to wear it.

Thomas Moore t-shirt

I have a rule when frequenting the local thrift stores: if it’s signed, buy it. I have several record albums and books signed by authors, artists and musicians, but this is the first t-shirt. I probably would’ve bought it anyway. It turns out that Dr. Thomas Moore is nationally recognized as an early childhood consultant, keynote speaker, workshop leader, and children’s recording artist. At least that’s what his bio page on his website says.



Mysterio Stickery

So a while ago I was stickering the town with drawings of Mysterio and I recently checked on some of them to see how they were holding up:

This one’s from March of ’06. It’s in pretty rough shape. (Original post here)

Mysterio still loves you.

This one from almost a year ago has lost all it’s color. (Original post here)

Mysterio still picks his nose

I did a different Mysterio every Monday for all of 2006. Stickers, paintings, scribbles, animation.

If you’d like to check out the archives, click here.


There was a crazy lightning storm last night and I got some pictures. Most of them are up large on my Flickr site, but I did make this little animation:


Papercraft Self-Portrait

paper me and mew

I made a little papercraft figure of myself. I used a modified Domokun pattern for the folding and such and I drew myself on it. It turned out pretty nice. See the animation below for a 360 view of it. (It’s a big file so it may take a moment to load.)

Paper Me

Fake Blood Test

 Fake Blood 1

Fake Blood 2

I’m working on a little short film thing and I need some fake blood for it. These are some test photos I took for an early batch of some fake blood. It wasn’t thick enough, but I figured maybe somebody would like to see this. I used red food coloring, Karo Light Corn Syrup and a little too much water.